You are invited to join the 2024 Practice Period!
Practice Period Opening Ceremony at Houston Zen Center May 5, 10:30 am. The Invitation to the Shuso will take place on May 5 at 11:00 am.
Our spacious zendo/meditation hall.
Practice Periods are times of intensive focus on meditation and study, bringing heart, mind and body together in one focused effort. This Practice Period is a precious opportunity to practice together intensively. Your practice will be enhanced and nourished by staying in creative contact with dharma friends and teachers.
Abbot Gaelyn and Shuso Matthew Brownlie
This Intensive Practice Period/Ango is led by Abbot Gaelyn Godwin and Shuso Head Student KoUn Matthew Brownlie. We will merge practice and everyday activities, along with study.
Matthew will offer half-day sittings as well as individual meetings with Practice Period members. Practice Period concludes with a 5-day Sesshin and the Ceremony for the Shuso/Head Student.
Practice Period of Every Day Life. Each participant selects a schedule that works for his or her working practice. Shuso (Head Student) KoUn Matthew Brownlie will teach classes that deepen our understanding of the Four Beneficial Methods of Bodhisattvas. Enroll in the class here.
Contact with the teachers: Individual Practice Discussion with Matthew is encouraged throughout the Practice Period.
Fill out the application below online.
There will be requested donations for the class, the sittings, and the sesshin. There is no charge for the practice period, for members of HZC. Non-members, please donate an amount that works for you.