Dharma talks are given by the Abbot, Senior Teachers,
long-time members of Zen Center and Visiting Teachers.
The audio archive past years' talks is accessible below.
Sign up for the podcast and our YouTube channel below.
Schedule of upcoming Dharma Talks at the Zen Center. Dharma Talks are held in the main Zendo as part of the Sunday Program.
Please consider donating to Visiting Teachers. Dana, or generosity, supports the dharma teachings. All Dana is given directly to visiting teachers.
Dharma talk by Assistant Teacher of HZC Shinji Mary Carol Edwards. Mary Carol is a landscape designer, wetlands restoration expert, and owner/founder of Green Star Wetland Plant Farm.
Dharma Talk by Yuho Wade Maggert. Yuho’s dharma name: Yuho Myoki, means Gentle Phoenix, Luminous Expression. Yuho is a psychotherapist at the Houston VA hospital. He also has a private practice dedicated to the Houston LGBTQ community and facilitates HZC’s Queer Dharma Group.
Dharma Talk by Leo Kagen Golub. Leo’s Dharma Name is Kagen Ryotan Fire Regarder, Complete Abundance. Leo is a senior member of HZC, and the chair of the Finance Committee.
RECENT TALKS. Podcast Audio recordings and YouTube Videos!
Recorded Dharma Talks at the Zen Center. This is a podcast, and can be subscribed to in Apple Podcasts, Overcast, your app of choice, or directly via the RSS feed. Sign up for our YouTube channel here.