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Four Immeasurables - Opening our Hearts

Jika Gayle Klaybor

Jika Gayle Klaybor

A Series of 4 Classes Mondays, May 31 - June 21, 6:30-8:30 pm. Taught by Gayle Klaybor

In this series of 4 classes, we will explore the Four Immeasurable minds that open us to understanding and practicing Loving Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity. Seen as fundamental by the Buddha, the class will address how these teachings are foundational to our study of Zen. We will also discuss how we deepen and express our relationship to these boundless abodes with ourselves and others.

Everyone is welcome to this class. In addition, this class is part of the Summer Practice Period and is especially recommended for Practice Period participants.

Jika Gayle Klaybor is the Shuso/Head Student for the Practice Period, and is co-leading the practice. She is also the co-Tanto/Head of Practice of Houston Zen Center.

The readings will be B. Alan Wallace’s book, The Four Immeasurables: Practices to Open The Heart. You can purchase the book through online booksellers including Shambhala Publishers, here is the link.

Actualizing the Fundamental Point
from $50.00