Shinshu Roberts Roshi
As part of the annual AZTA meeting hosted by Houston Zen Center this year, we have a special dharma talk from a visiting teacher.
Shinshu Roberts is the co-Abiding Teacher of Ocean Gate Zen Center in Santa Cruz California. Her most recent publication is Being-Time: A Practitioner's Guide to Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo Uji. This is an important text and commentary for all students of Zen.
Shinshu, a native Texan, is visiting HZC for the first time. She trained for 17 years at San Francisco Zen Center, and has been a Zen priest since 1988. She received dharma transmission in 2005 from Sojun Mel Weitsman, Roshi, and recognition as an International Teacher from the Soto Zen School in Japan. The dharma talk is open to everyone.