Summer 2020 Practice Period
Practice Period Meditation Times
Monday - Thursday - morning meditation 5:50 - 7:10 followed by chanting service.
Monday - Thursday - afternoon meditation 5:30 - 6:10 followed by chanting the Dai Hi Shin Dharani.
Saturday morning 8:20 - 9:00
Optional Saturday afternoon 5:30 - 6:10
Sunday program: Service, Zazen, Soji, Dharma Talk: 8:20 - 11:30
Optional Sunday afternoon 5:30 - 6:10
Practice Period Study Period and Sutra Copying
The Shuso leads a study period in the meditative practice of copying the Diamond Sutra by hand. Please find a comfortable writing position, and relax into the practice. If you would like a paper copy of the Diamond Sutra, please ask Joy to send you one. The password can be sent to you by the Shuso or by Joy.
Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 pm: Sutra Copying Study Period and Class
Half-Day Sittings and Sesshin
May 23 - Morning of Practice led by Shuso Vicki Glenn. The hours are 9 - 12, Saturday May 23.
June 6 - Morning of Practice led by Shuso Vicki Glenn. The hours are 9 - 12, Saturday June 6.
5-Day Sesshin - June 16 - 21 led by Abbot Gaelyn Godwin and Shuso Vicki Glenn. Participate in all or part of the sesshin, and definitely attend the Ceremony of Dharma Inquiry, or Shuso Ceremony on June 20.
Ceremony of Dharma Inquiry, the Shuso Ceremony. June 20, 3 pm - 5:00, followed by virtual reception. This ceremony marks the conclusion of the training of the Shuso, or head monk, for the Practice Period. In this ceremony, everyone in the practice period and invited guests will ask the Shuso a question, coming from the heart, about practice. Further information and instructions will be given to those who RSVP.
Practice Period Class - The Six Paramitas
Tuesdays: May 26 - June 9. 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
The 6 Paramitas are among the core teachings of Buddhism across all schools.
Shuso/Head Monk Zengetsu Vicki Glenn will focus on the practices of Generosity, Ethical Discipline, Patience, Heroic Effort, Concentration, and Wisdom during this class series that accompanies the Intensive Practice Period. Everyone is welcome to participate in the class, and it is specifically directed toward the practice period participants. Sign up on the events page, and the password will be sent to you.
The text for the class is Tenshin Reb Anderson’s new commentary on the six paramitas: Entering the Mind of Buddha. The text is available online or the Center can mail one to you. Here is the Zoom link. The password is sent with your registration.