Storm Update

Thank you for your care of our Center. The power was restored 5/22 @ 7 pm. The resiliency and creativity of HZC kept the center open and welcoming throughout the post-storm events.

  1. Damage in Houston was minimal.

    • Tree branches were mostly cleared away to the street 5/21 for the city to remove. One large oak branch is broken and still in the tree. The arborist will give us an estimate 5/23 Thursday. It is not hazardous for people at this point. 

    • Roof shingles came off the main building. Vicki called our roofers, Rose Roofing. They will inspect on Thursday 5/23.

    • The tree work in the back has been postponed until May 30/31 because the arborist has been called to do storm related work. 

    • The oldest sections of the fence between 1605 and the 1603 condos collapsed onto our grass. We removed most of the debris 5/21 Tuesday, putting it on the verge for the city to pick up. The fence is the responsibility of the condo group. Royce contacted the condo board president. We will probably offer to get the estimate and supervise the work, as we did last time, and the condo will pay for the new fence. 

    • More of the fence collapsed on 5/22. Carter put up temporary fencing until we build the new fence.

  2. Residential response. 

    • Vicki took some frozen supplies to ACRC to preserve them. Vicki has kept the coolers stocked with ice from Bucee’s and Kroger. We have maintained a bit of refrigeration but most refrigerated supplies will be discarded. 

    • Vicki and Royce and Glen Snyder cleared the walkways 5/17 & 5/18 and put caution tape around the downed material until it could be addressed. In general they kept the Center safe. 

    • Vicki and Royce set out lanterns and the material from our emergency preparedness supplies. Residents and guests were provided with adequate light. Plenty of water, none of it hot (electric starters on the gas powered hot water heaters.)

    • Gaelyn worked at ACRC Monday to keep up with bookkeeping and the website. 

    • Carter bikes over as needed. 

    • Stephen works remotely - his home has power. He updates our phone message (the phones at the center are down, and no WiFi), and responds as needed.

    • Judson provides website work remotely, keeping people informed of the Center’s status. He has power.

    • Residents have received various offers of housing but have chosen to stay on site. 

  3. The schedule. 

    • The 5/18 one day sitting led by our Shuso Matthew Brownlie was canceled because we couldn’t provide food for the meals. Or electricity for coffee and tea. We will initiate refunds, so this will be a loss. 

    • Sunday 5/19 continued as scheduled with a dharma talk by Royce and surprisingly good attendance, given the challenges of driving.

    • Daily schedule continues unabated, with candles and lanterns. Usual good attendance.

    • The classes on Monday night (Matthew’s class) and Tuesday night (Zack’s class) took place on the front porch. People used their phones to read the text as the sky darkened. 

  4. ACRC.

    • There was some wind related tree damage, not heavy. Royce and Richard cleared up most of it. One large pecan was felled. Richard will clear the portion leaning on the guy wire to the utility poll, but we will leave the major portion for now. 

    • There was minimal water incursion. All of our roof repairs held(!) some water appeared to have been blown in around a few doors but it was minimal. 

    • One outdoor lighting system is non-functional. Our electrician will work with us to repair it as well as some other small issues during the first week of June. 

    • Royce is on the land now, while a group of 30 (Gurdjieff society) hold a 5 day retreat. 

    • Joy continues to coordinate that group, as well as a potential new retreat with Shma Koleinu and another new inquiry. 

With thanks for all your generous time and attention. Warm bows,
