Walking to the Zendo at Auspicious Cloud Zen Retreat Center
Dear friends,
Thank you for all your support this year. I hope that you know how many beings benefit from coming to Houston Zen Center in the city. The benefits that people feel from joining retreats on the land are expressed often in their heartfelt thanks to HZC for keeping the land open to other spiritual groups.
Here are two recent comments from the many we have received:
[Our group] would love to thank you for a wonderful weekend. We were in awe of all the improvements in and outside of the cabins.
We had a lovely retreat at the Center. We had many retreatants who had sat at the Center since the 1980s. We all appreciated the care you have lavished on the buildings and grounds. I know your stewardship of the Center is the best possible outcome.
We are working hard to restore and repair the buildings and land. We seek your support for an important project this year: the repair and upgrade of the air conditioning and heating system in the zendo / meditation hall on the land at Auspicious Cloud Zen Retreat Center.
We will repair the old system but adapt it to an all-electric system. This will result in a quiet and more efficient system. Also, since it will be all electric, we can remove the gas tank in front of the zendo. One day we will have solar panels on the north side of the land, and the electric system will be united with the new system.
We hope you find this project as compelling as we do! Your Zen Center teachers and residents are immersed in such nerd-like projects, and hope that you will join in the joyful project of enhancing the land, restoring the prairie, and keeping this important refuge open to everyone.
With grateful bows,
Abbot Gaelyn & President Royce
Visit the Woods: We are actively restoring the woods at Auspicious Cloud. Please visit to see the work we have accomplished.
Costs: The cost of the Zendo refuge improvement is $15,000 for the new A/C and heater, including installation. The cost for the new wiring for the all-electric system is $10,000. This project will enhance the experience of all retreatants on the land. It is a very important project. Whatever you can offer is very important. Please donate toward any part of this important project.
Together we are caring for the Center, and for the teachings of awareness and peace in our world.
With warm bows,
Abbot Gaelyn Godwin & President Royce Johnson
Prairie Restoration begins with Phase One.
Did you know that thousands of people attend our classes and events in Houston at the Houston Zen Center urban campus? From our basic Introduction to Zen Series, to our advanced teachings on Karma, Zen Poetry, the Fundamental Teachings of the Middle Way; from our half-hour introduction, to our 7-day sessions, we provide a full range of entry points for seekers from all spiritual traditions.
Please accept our thanks for all your help, gifts of time and treasure, that support your Zen Center in its mission to provide a refuge for peace and spiritual growth. Your good wishes and aspirations for ensuring the well-being of the visitors to Zen Center, including the many beings living on the land, are powerful forces for beneficence in the world.