Auspicious Cloud Retreat Center
Wait list for this sesshin is now open.
Deepen meditation practice and gather the mind during this 5-day intensive meditation practice co-led by Abbot Gaelyn Godwin and Seirin Tim Schorre. Rohatsu means “great cold” and sesshin means “gather the mind”. This is an annual meditation retreat in the cold time of the year, to gather the mind. Historically, it honors Shakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment.
You must have completed at least one one-day sesshin before joining Rohatsu Sesshin.
If you have any questions, please meet with Jika Gayle Klaybor or Shōjin Vicki Glenn, the co-heads of Practice at HZC.
Sesshin begins Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. The hours Wednesday-Saturday are 5:50 am – 9:00 pm. Sesshin comes to an end at 5 pm on Sunday. The sesshin takes place at Auspicious Cloud: Zen Retreat Center.
Weekend participation begins Friday evening, and extends through the close of the sesshin on Sunday.
Costs: $500 for the entire sesshin. HZC Member price is $300.
Friday-Sunday participation: $300 / $200 for members. Two partial scholarships are available. Email Stephen for more information about scholarships.
Please fill out the form to apply for sesshin. Thank you.