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Ceremony for Peace

  • Houston Zen Center (map)

In this world, hatred is never appeased by hatred.
It is only appeased by loving-kindness.
This is an ancient law.

--Dhammapada, 5


We are all together in this world, and together we are witnessing tragic warfare and violence, greed, hatred, and delusion. May I remind you, and all of us, that hatred is never appeased by hatred. Ignorance is never appeased by ignorance. Instead of hatred, we can turn toward peace and loving-kindness. Instead of fearful ignorance, we can turn toward investigation and wisdom.

This coming Sunday, November 12, Zen Center offers an opportunity to gather together in peace, to reflect on the causes of the flaming violence in the world, and to make our wishes for peace explicit.

Let us use the resources we have to sustain us and strengthen us. These resources can aid us in keeping our minds clear and our hearts open during the most challenging times. The challenges are serious.

“The world is awash in violence. We are even awash in it here in the United States, where deadly violence is a regular, daily occurrence. When we become numb to violence because of its prevalence, violence will probably continue, or even increase.”
HZC member Kagen Leo Golub

This coming Sunday, November 12, 11:30 am -12:30 we will engage with Jizo Bodhisattva. The practice involves sitting together, writing wishes, sewing small garments, and reflecting on loving-kindness, compassion, and peace.

You are welcome to join for all or part of the ceremony. The Center provides materials for writing wishes to place on the altar, and cloth for making offerings for Jizo, and for loved ones who have crossed over. You may RSVP Stephen or you can simply arrive.

May all beings be free from suffering,
Abbot Gaelyn

Other resources for aid and action are listed below.


  • Project C.U.R.E. ships containers of medical supplies to Gaza. Register here to help on November 14.

  • A useful NPR page of humanitarian resources in Israel and Gaza.

  • Demand Progress—a petition to the U.S. Congress and the White House calling for a bilateral ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.

  • Nonviolence International has created an extensive page of resources that include nonviolent action for peaceful resolution and justice, and background material on conflicts in Israel/Palestine. All of us need help like this to understand the crisis.

Many Jizo Bodhisattva statues in Japan.

Earlier Event: November 12
Sanran Maite Leal
Later Event: November 19
Abbot Gaelyn Godwin