Dharma Talk by Teijo Munnich, founder of Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple. Join the Cloud Zendo Dharma Talk here.
Reverend Teijo Munnich is a Dharma Heir of Dainin Katagiri Roshi and a certified Soto Zen Priest, ordained in 1981. She received formal training at Hokyoji in Minnesota, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in California, and Hosshinji Sodo in Japan.
About 1983, she began to envision a residential practice center and community and at its heart, a zen residential practice for women. This came to be Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple, incorporated in 2004. After an exacting search, a location was found with suitable space, and Great Tree opened her doors in 2005 in Alexander, NC. She also serves as teacher for the Zen Center of Asheville and the Charlotte Zen Meditation Society.
Zen Master Teijo Munnich