Rev. Gyōzan Royce Johnson leads a day of intensive practice. Practicing together in a day of sesshin allows us to continue to develop and deepen practice.
The day will be focused on zazen and loving-kindess. Both practices can ground and support us, everyone around us, and the whole world. The day includes zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), a dharma talk with discussion, and breaks for meals. Beginners are encouraged to contact the co-Tantos before signing up.
Gyōzan Royce Johnson is the assistant priest of Houston Zen Center. He will continue to serve as Shuso / Head Monk at Green Gulch Farm when the pandemic lifts.
If you have any questions, please contact the co-Tantos, Louise Dreyfus or Gayle Klaybor.
The Zoom link and password will be provided after you sign up. This will be a warm and positive way to continue our practice together.
Rev. Gyōzan Royce Johnson