You are cordially invited to attend the Ceremony of Lay Entrustment for Houston Zen Center member Lynn Snow.
In this ceremony, Keisen Lynn Snow (Keisen Myōhō, Joyful River, Wondrous Phoenix) will receive entrustment as a Lay Dharma Teacher from Abbot Gaelyn. Lynn has been preparing for several years for the ceremony, while leading a group of Zen practitioners in Alabama. The ceremony will take place outside on the front lawn of the center, with a limited number of friends and family in attendance. Everyone is invited to participate via zoom. This ceremony acknowledges the importance and vitality of Lay Dharma leaders.
Please RSVP to Joy. You can enter the ceremony here.
For further information, please contact the co-Tantos, Gayle Klaybor and Vicki Glenn, the co-Heads of Practice of Houston Zen Center.
Keisen Lynn Snow and Abbot Gaelyn after sesshin.