Sally Meiya Muñoz : Sangha

Sally Meiya Muñoz is a senior member of Houston Zen Center. She taught at Duchesne Academy for 30 years, where she began a program to teach mindfulness to second, third, and fourth graders. Her dharma names means Luminous Night.

Zen Priests Shinchi Linda Galijan and Zenshin Greg Fain : Two Zen Teachers on Pigrimage

Dharma Talk by Zen Priests Shinchi Linda Galijan and Zenshin Greg Fain.

SHINCHI LINDA GALIJAN PhD., is a dharma heir of Sojun Mel Weitsman. She began practicing Buddhism in 1984, and was ordained by Sojun Roshi in 2004. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, and a long-time yoga practitioner. She is the former President of San Francisco Zen Center, and currently co-leading the practice at San Antonio Zen Center.

ZENSHIN GREG FAIN, a dharma heir of Sojun Mel Weitsman, was ordained by Sojun Roshi in 2002, and was Shuso at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center with Sojun in the spring 2005 practice period. He served as the resident Tanto, Head of Practice at the monastery for a decade beginning in 2010. He is currently co-leading the practice at San Antonio Zen Center.